Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall Asleep Before 2 a.m.

In a world fraught with information overload, it's hard to fall asleep when you fear missing out on that juicy piece of gossip or latest news, maybe you're worried that a competitor might be outselling you while you were in bed getting some shut-eye. The operating term here is "worry".

You may want to take the help of meditation to observe silently the thoughts in your head. When you do, you'll realise just how much useless chatter is in there. Your emotions define the number of thoughts in your head but on average we think about 70,000 thoughts a day. That's about 48 thoughts per minute!

Remember that worrying doesn't solve anything. If you're actually focusing on the problem to come up with a solution, it's best to just stop thinking about it for a few hours. When you wake up the resolution of your issue will present itself. You'll know because you're thinking straight and aware of your thoughts.

  • Eat by 9 p.m. Food takes time to digest and if it's not yet digested all that effort by your body to break down the food in your system is going to make itself conspicuous and have you tossing and turning and even waking up. 
  • Have a plan for the next day. If you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning you'll get yourself to sleep earlier. 
  • Stop seeing the time. If you're used to sleeping at 2 a.m. you might tell yourself "Oh well, I still have 2 hours to fall asleep, might as well do something." What you're doing is giving up already. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit, hang in there.
  • Stay up until you're actually sleepy. If it takes more than 10 minutes to nod off, wake up. Watch T.V. but yeah avoid any activity that encourages you to think.
  • Set up your alarm away from you on loud but pleasant music. You don't want to spend the rest of the day being crabby.

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